System Overview
- Currently there are two CP-controllers offered,
both generating Direction and Clock Signals for synchronized movements of - a 4 Axes System called CNC-mac - a 8 Axes System called RoBo-mac without any "bumps", - usually experienced with normal Windows-Systems. The algorithm may be increased to more axes than the currently offered 8.
Bumpy movement is quite normal for a Multitasking-System like Windows: It takes place because these kind of Operating-Systems "have to do other tasks occasionally". The only possibility to avoid this would result in losing its multitasking feasibility.
- CNC-mac & RoBo-mac process up to 65535 digits from each data record, this allows highly exact motion sequences using High Resolution Drivers.
The transmission and evaluation of the data record occurs online during the axes movement. This allows access to boundless volumes of data as well as control of the Robot-arm to be possible by means of a joystick.
- The pin allocation of the hardware and the logic system may be determined just by changing some software parameters,
- this makes both CP-controllers compatible with nearly every current systems.
- Last but not least, CNC & RoBo-mac are able to perform many different functions automatically as:
- dynamically variable operating speed - dynamic ramp calculation, as a function of speed and rotation direction - Zero / Home position automatic - Monitoring the Emergency Stop switches as well as the Limit Switches - Restart from Emergency Stop without any data and position loss - Sleep / Boost automatic for highly dynamic axes - Reverse movement's loss compensation - Connect and switch off of additional tax signals during the process - LCD display The programming job can therefore limit itself to the real axes movement, the "Driving Order".
- All User functions, Parameters and Teach-In are controlled by 'mouse click' using an intelligent interactive form.
- Teach-In runs online and offers additional offline correction.
- The data transfer protocol will be made available
An EXCEL® -VBA program which explains data record and protocol structure will be included with the product. If desired, this EXCEL® software can be replaced by any other program.
- The Multi Axes Controller
- takes over the "Driving Order" online from the PC in the form of a digital data record and interpolates out of this the synchronous movement of several engines / axes of different speeds to perform a Continuos Path.
- saves 256 records in a continues floating buffer and computes from "previous, current and next" whether the engine speed must be booted up, or be lowered using a ramp.
- generates an acceleration ramp as fast as a linear ramp and in the crossings as softly as a sine ramp - a so called "asymptotic speed control".
- delivers - in addition - a BOOST signal during the acceleration ramp.
- compensates for movement loss by reversing gears in old machines.
Each axes offers independent parameters.
- immediately checks after powering up, before beginning and during all the axes movements:
- whether emergency stop or limit switch is activated - If any problems occur this is indicated with an acoustic signal and - reported on the LCD in detail. - An Info-Box also appears on the PC screen.
- reports the current system state in 4-line LCD display.
- delivers a "SLEEP" signal if no driving order is given.
- The limit stop switches are interpreted by the mode of operation:
- Set up
Special function for set up.
- Normal program
Emergency-Stop "Out of Range".
- Zero search
Indicates the axes Home-Position.
After "Normal Emergency-Stop" the process can be restarted without any data loss - using a ramp - or be completely canceled.
- SoftWare
- The Light version of the Multi Axes Controller comes with a special EXCEL® file, using an integrated VBA program for the data interchange with the hardware as well as an intelligent interactive form to perform all User functions, Parameters and Teach-In controlled by 'mouse click'. Included are the spreadsheets MA parameter / MA step
- so this package is an excellent training example.
- If desired, this EXCEL® software can be replaced by any other program, - code structure and data transfer protocol are made available for OEMs.
- OEM licensees may use their own "Password System".
- HardWare
- The system is based on function modules which are combined individually. This allows compact assembly forms in the basic measure of
- half a European card (80 x 100 mm), alternatively - full-sized European cards for 19 inches Rack.
- Electricity supply:
Optional AC or DC approx. 8-12 V Transformer connector unit or direct power supply from the hardware.
System Overview An unusual problem solution to the calculation of complicated Robotic movements is offered here:
The programme, a Mathematical 3D joint Toolbox controls Direct and Inverse Kinematics, all parameter and measurements "of your robot" can become basic inputs of the calculation. The program tool not only calculates "Pick & Place" final positions, but also individual circle and 3D spline continues paths movements. It calculates articulated arm & gantry robotic to realize combined motion using 3D Bézier free forms.
This simulation toolbox is invented
- to put together Robot's elements of any design & geometry like joint- and telescope arms in order to determine the movement of each "mathematic construction" in a very high precision.
- to calculate arm's angles and XYZ co-ordinates alternatively in 'Direct-' or 'Inverse Kinematics' and to visualise the robot system in the 3D-space.
- The result is available numerically (16-figure / floating point)
- The algorithm will be able to calculate also overlapped robot's movement in case the system is moved on an XYZ-table same time.
Fully compatibly to RoBo-mac's 8-axes continues path control the joint box allows to calculate 12 axes, each with 2 degrees of freedom (telescope & rotating axis) - to simulate system's motion path 3D.
Parameter & Configuration The individual mechanics of the robot system and its kinematic possibilities are comprehended in the basic position (Home) as parameter. In addition, the adjustment of this basic position can be fixed in the 3D-space (centerpoint-offset, ceiling and wall mounting). The main axis may turn around by using its theoretical axis of rotation or may rotate on a circular path.
Visual control (eagle & mouse perspective) Regardless of the actual simulation - calculated in Inverse- or Direct Kinematics- it will be possible to get a 3D view from any individual observation point to show "depth". – So, you will be able to "walk around the robot" or to visualise details as "an eagle or a mouse".
Forward (direct) kinematics The kinematic borders are defined by the axes lengths, its basic orientation XYZ and its maximum rotary angels. Each joint can have an individual basic orientation by using any angle in the 3D space. To simulate robot's movements the values are changed via slider, they are 'real time' visualised.
Inverse kinematics To calculate suitable vector situations for the robot arms in spite of theoretically endlessly solutions you may select freely from several movement strategies & silhouettes:
- Semi-Automatic
Will bring your (directly / by slider) pre-selected arm's silhouette in a precise position (TCP Error < 10-5 mm).
- Convex: The middle arm element lies above the goal
- Concave works vice versa to convex
- Zigzag: The arm elements form a zigzag silhouette
- Parallel, moves the "End Effector" in parallel with itself
- Telescope, moves the "End Effector" like a telescope arm.
The inverse algorithm is based on trigonometric and iterative elements. It works regardless of the forward kinematics. Direct algorithm is just used to compare with inverse findings. Error of the positioning the TCP is less than 1/10.000 mm, mostly in a scale from 10-5 5 to 10-6 mm.
Continues path control & TCP track: You may import a TCP-track from a CAD/CAE System in tabular form or use the Continuous-path Generator interactively (Off-line Teach-In), to create:
- A highly linear movement of the TCP
- or a smooth individual 3D-Bézier-Path.
- The simulator permits unlimited "Try & Error".
- It generates the co-ordinate list XYZ of the TCP as well as the
corresponding movement protocol for the chosen configuration.
- Track and arm-silhouette are visualised 'real time' 3D;
- in the quick flow they appear "VIDEO".
System compatibility The 3D joint box runs under EXCEL® from version '97/2003.
Test package & documentation Free demo & test package http://www.cnc-mac.de/html/download.html Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJbAxZ3Iuio